Bronze Casting 2017
"Innocent Violence" - Dragon
The two sides of this dragon are always in constant battle. Inspired by the Chinese symbol yin yang, this dragon shows the constant battle between dark and light forces. Two opposite halves coming together interacting, showing the unvarying strength of each side's power.
Clay making process: create a clay object to shape the plaster mold
Mold and Pour Process: create a plaster mold around the clay object, remove the clay, then heat the mold for the bronze pour
Grinding Process: grinding and welding imperfections to reveal the shiny bronze
Finished Patina: adding of oxides to add color
BB8 Model
Clay making process: create a clay object to shape the plaster mold
Mold and Pour Process: create a plaster mold around the clay object, remove the clay, then heat the mold for the bronze pour
Grinding Process: grinding and welding imperfections to reveal the shiny bronze
Finished Patina: adding of oxides to add color
Bronze 2017

Bronze 2017

Bronze Casting process creating a dragon and bb8
