KBI Rebrand Graphic Design Project

In our graphic design class, we were assigned to find a company that we thought needed a rebrand, so we chose the Kino Border Initiative. We knew that they were a company that assissted migrants coming to the United States from Mexico, so wented a brand that indicated a sense of community and togetherness. Not only that, but because the company's main area resides in a desert, we wanted to use colors that one would associate with the desert. We tried to do so in our logo, and we hope that we succeeded.
This is KBI's current website.
The two above show some thumbnail sketches that we created.
The two above are some rough designs that we created.
Inspiration Collection: https://www.behance.net/collection/163966331/Rebrand-Inspiration
As stated before, we wanted our logo to look welcoming and give off the idea of community and togetherness. Not only that, but the organization we chose was also Christian, so at first, we tried to incorporate images of Christian symbols. Eventually, however, we realized that more people will recognize the name and its initials rather than a picture representing the organization. Because of this, we tried to create a logo that read "KBI." We enjoyed this idea and decided to go with it as we made our first set of comps.
This is an image of our creative process on Adobe Illustrator. The six logos shown near the top are the set of logos that we had to choose from. One had to be in color and the other had to be in black.
At first, we found finding the perfect font to be difficult. We wanted the font to be unique but also calm and welcoming. We eventually settled with Cubano. Then we realized that the letters were a little too far apart, so we moved them closer together and made them look like they were one shape. Next up was the sun. It originally wasn't that visually appeasing; not only did the sun look more like a hamburger bun, but the lines representing the sun rays looked horrible. We almost decided to scrap the sun idea all together, but we eventually found a shape that could work perfectly for the sun rays, and it turned out to look amazing. The final step was choosing the colors. We decided on a certain shade of orange and blue. Not only do the two complement each other, but they add to that welcoming identity that KBI is known for.
This is our final design, one large and e other small.
The logo is made up of three letters (K, B, and I) that are connected together. On top of the letters are a half circle and a series of "sun rays" representing a sun. Underneath the letters is the name of the company: Kino Border Initiative.

        -Cubano font
        -R 1, G 121, B 179
        -Half circle on top of letters
        -Five "sunrays"
        -R 243, G 176, B 28
Kino Border Initiative
        -Futura font
        -Same RGB numbers as above

This is our final design in black.
These are some mockups of the logo on different items.
Our new Kino Border Initiative style guide shows how KBI can improve upon their brand. Both the colors and the text of the logo give off a sense of community and togetherness. Not only that, but the connected letters show how everyone with KBI, whether they work there or not, are connected in some way. Add a little sun on the top to show where KBI resides (in a sunny area), and one has a new guide that we hope KBI considers looking into.
KBI Rebrand Graphic Design Project

KBI Rebrand Graphic Design Project

This was a project my graphic design class did in which we ahd to rebrand a certain charity.


Creative Fields