Kelsey Cates's profile

HEIRLOOMS // Packaging

Heirlooms was created as a response to my interest in the marriage between kitsch and consumerism. When I began researching kitsch, I quickly started asking questions about how packaging can influence our opinions on an object. With the rise of buying & re-selling thrift store items as “vintage” through trendy retailers such as Etsy or Urban Outfitters, can these items that were once perceived as worthless becomes valuable just with marketing strategies? The design of Heirlooms was rooted in luxury - textured paper, gold foil accents - to juxtapose with the cheap nature of kitsch objects, and to convince the customer that they have made an important purchase.

The photos are from the lovely Etsy shop, Vintageandmoreuk
HEIRLOOMS // Packaging

HEIRLOOMS // Packaging

Heirlooms is a packaging project that combines kitsch with luxury.
