Red Green Blue.
Software Used: Cinema 4D and Vray.
Size: 1280 x 720 pixels
Date of completion: Sunday, April 8, 2012.

Description: This is my first render as a student in Animation and VFX. During my early days as a diploma student at MAAC, even before my classes on 3D softwares (3ds Max and Maya) had begun, I used to explore Cinema 4D by myself, trying to learn what each tool did and what 3D softwares were all about. Of course, I did find a lot of talented and helpful tutors online who were kind enough to teach students like myself. Thats how I began learning Cinema 4D and the art of 3D modelling. It was very useful to me when my classes in 3Ds Max and Maya began at my academy, MAAC.

So I did this in Cinema 4D using V-ray with all the knowledge I had acquired from tutors and my exploring. The scene is a simple composition of three spheres textured with pure red, green and blue colours. I used the Vray physical camera to add depth of field. I created two soft-boxes for the lighting. One light has a warm tone while the other has a cool tone which together gives a better appeal to the scene.

Though this is nothing much, I was really excited and amazed when I saw my first rendered output which looked good and real to me. It was an unforgettable experience.
Red Green Blue

Red Green Blue

First render as a student in Animation.
