This was an idea that we came up with at the agency. We want to promote home loans to the youngest segment - those who have just started off in life and are staying on rent. The biggest issue about staying on rent is the landlord - a peculiar breed that is much hated, but accepted as a part of life. 

Our idea was simple: Hate your landlord? Lose your landord! Get your own home. Two viral videos were shot - and an entire campaign was created around this. The campaign just did not get the backing it deserved.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
HOLE IN THE FLOOR - The landlord talks to the newly married couple who have just shifted in, to the floor above him, through the hole in the floor!
MULTIPLE INSTRUCTIONS = TERMS & CONDITIONS - The landlord gives non stop instructions to his harried tenant. Crazy terms and conditions are explained in this commercial - all leading to the message: Lose your landlord. Get your own home.
ICICI home loans

ICICI home loans



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