Brooke Bauer's profile

Blowing Expectations

Design Challenge
Blowing Expectations, is a television show about a woman who works as a doctor until cracks under the pressure and is fired. She discovers glass blowing through a new friend and decides to take it on as her new career. However, she has a fatal flaw and seems to mess things up in every episode. The brand elements of the show needed to represent the counter culture of the show.

Design Solution
To create the feeling of disjointedness and convey the powerful culture, message and style of the show, a unique cut out style was used on the elements to keep the show branded. The colors are dark and almost intimidating to represent the turmoil the character is facing in her life. Instead of using images of the characters, they are represented by objects that reflect their lifestyle.
Blowing Expectations

Blowing Expectations

Title Sequence for a show I wrote called Blowing Expectations
