Charles Tarver's profile


Flyer for National Mental Health Conference
Mental Health Emergency card (English)
Mental Health Emergency card (Spanish)
Disability Day Flyer 2015
Event Flyer: NAMI Delaware
Event Flyer - Spanish: NAMI Delaware
Identity Display Poster - Spanish: NAMI Delaware
BiLingual Identity Display Poster: NAMI Delaware
Identity Display Poster: NAMI Delaware
Identity Display Poster: NAMI Delaware
Program Launch Poster: NAMI Delaware
Two Versions of Program Flyer: NAMI Delaware
Side one of brochure - outside Spanish: NAMI Delaware
Localized National Organization's brochure: Matched colors and type, extended bleed, added local copy and sponsors.
Side two of brochure - inside Spanish: NAMI Delaware
Small Business Brochure: outside
Small Business Brochure: inside
Small Business Brochure: outside
Small Business Brochure: inside
Postcard for University of Delaware radio station: Front
Postcard for University of Delaware radio station: Back


