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Motion Graphics in Films Task: Deadpool opening title

Motion Graphics in Films Task

Opening title: Deadpool

If we talk about title sequence of the movie, we cannot miss to talk about Deadpool’s opening credits that broke regular template. Break the template? Absolutely, because all of the credits are not real!! It’s just the funniest descriptors of the actors and crews.

Whatttttt??!! Yeah that’s just for jokes that the production team, the director Tim Miller and Blur Studio, want to make laughs with us, “Since the title sequence was made before casting. So we just place the hot chick, the bad guy, the CGI characters as the names of the cast and crew”, said Franck Balson, layout supervisor of Blur Studio.

The main purpose of this sequence is for introducing the hero of the film, Deadpool, rather than showing up the real credits.

Ok! Let’s see what’s going on in the sequence. The scene starts with MARVEL logo as usual.
After that, it’s coming up with Juice Newton’s song “Angel of the morning” which totally contrasts with all of the fighting background in the scene. Are you serious? The violence scene with the romantic peaceful song!!! HAHAHA yeah! Actually the sequence are made base on Deadpool’s perspectives (one is mental problem hahah). The music describes a lot what the movie’s genre is about; it’s not only the action movie like other Marvel superhero, but Deadpool is the action comedy movie of the year.

The interesting thing of the sequence is freeze mode. The camera moves from one object to another object like continuous shot while everything still in frozen moment.     
The sequence starts from macro shot, it zooms in piece by piece of the debris. All of the objects in the sequence are created from 3D vfx. That’s why it’s easy to place the objects in any positions.
Ryan Reynolds, who acts as Deadpool, was presented in the magazine.
Finally! Deadpool was shown in the fighting scene in the car.
The sequence ends with the wide shot of the camera.
You can watch Deadpool full opening title on Youtube.

Thank you ^^
Motion Graphics in Films Task: Deadpool opening title

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Motion Graphics in Films Task: Deadpool opening title
