Mac & Cheetah
Mac & Cheetah is a company that I made by taking two unlike objects and combining them. The object was to make a brand/company out of these two things that have nothing in common. My two objects chosen were Mac & Cheese as well as a Cheetah, coming together to make the perfect combination; Mac & Cheetah. 
The branding for Mac & Cheetah is a little bit more modern, neutrals with a pop of that yellow to insinuate the cheesy aspect of the food! 
Of course, what brand food truck would be complete without some nice brown bags for your food. The brown bag gives it that organic, homemade, feel.
Here is the grand chariot for the brand. The "Mac Daddy," if you will. An eye-catching fully wrapped food truck for Mac & Cheetah.
Mac & Cheetah

Mac & Cheetah

Mac & Cheetah is a branding and identity system for a company made of two unlike things.
