Adriana Hernandez Palomino's profile

Glass Pavilion Competition

The Glass Pavilion Competition commissioned a two glass and steel pavilions, one on the Philadelphia University campus and one on the Thomas Jefferson University campus, that link the two campuses together. Each pavilion maps the campuses on the steel base. The lights embedded into the base light up the base and the glass fins as well. The lights will be linked to the most popular buildings on each campus, the Kanbar Campus Center at Philadelphia University and Alumni Hall at Thomas Jefferson University, following the rate of how many people enter/exit the building. As the rate increases, it lights glow brighter but when there are a few people entering/exiting, the lights dim.
Thomas Jefferson University Nighttime Rendering
Philadelphia University Nighttime Rendering
Diagram showing the more people enter and exit the Kanbar Campus Center or the Alumni Hall, the brighter the pavilion glows.
Diagram showing connection between light pattern on base and campus paths.
Thomas Jefferson University Pavilion Plan
Philadelphia University Pavilion Plan
Thomas Jefferson University Axon
Philadelphia University Axon
Model Pictures
Philadelphia University Model
Philadelphia University Model
Thomas Jefferson University Model
Thomas Jefferson University Model
Thomas Jefferson University Model
Thomas Jefferson University Model
Philadelphia University Model
Philadelphia University Model
Presentation Board
Glass Pavilion Competition

Glass Pavilion Competition

Design 6 Spring 2017
