This Bachelor's Degree Final Project has been done as a multidisciplinary project. The group consists of seven members from different engineering (mechanical, informatics and product design).

We developed an avalanche beacon, a class of active radio beacon transceiver specialized for the purpose of finding people or equipment buried under snow.

These are the goals that the team agreed with the client at the beginning of the project:

- Design an avalanche transceiver that complies the existing regulations. It has to be a comfortable, easy to use and innovative device.
- Make a functional prototype using 3D printing and open source to emit and receive radio signals.
- Apply Agile methodology to coordinate the seven members of the team.

The team is satisfied with the results of the project, because we overcame the initial goals. We developed three products with capabilities focused on different target markets and a fully functional prototype. In fact, we implemented never seen updates in the avalanche beacon which will help the users to improve their rescuing experience.
Avalanche Beacon

Avalanche Beacon


Creative Fields