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Mural of humankind evolution

The path of Human Kind Revisited
In this job, was created a new analysis of the evolution, based on new evidences and scientific studies.
Nowadays, it is known that image above is wrong. The evolution was not a linear movement, but as more like a tree path. Some human species existed in the same time and changed in different directions. One of that paths concluded in Homo sapiens. The main macro element  of this infographic is the illustration with a simp and a human. It is to force the audience to have curiosity about the rest.
The second main element of this piece is the tree. It is a diagram for the most near real path of the humankind evolution. Into the tree, is shown the species and the aspects to compare each other in the same tree.
Other infographic's elements was added at the mural. For exemple, the site that professionals studies, yet with secrets about our history.
Or the adventure of Darwin detail. The curiosity of our history was deeply impacted by his travel.
How it was used
The mural was printed by newspaper in six days, one page each day. The readers could complete the collection of parts in the same week. All parts works alone, but in the other level, it shows more meaning when together. The Correio Braziliense is a newspaper used at local schools. So, it is very interesting to be used by fundamental level's school teachers. And it was.
As the consequence, this job was between three better infographic piece of 2012, by Esso Awards, the main award of Brazil's journalism.
Mural of humankind evolution

Mural of humankind evolution

MURAL OF THE HUMANKIND EVOLUTION Infographic's piece to analyse the most new evidences about the evolution of humans, pressed by the Correio Braz Read More
