The Mountains
 Over the summer, I decided to vector one of the images that I have seen from Tumblr; which is the mountains. I really adore seeing the mountains. Although, I haven't been to a mountain, hopefully in the future I could climb and reach a mountain. Here are a few studies that I have come up with before achieving the final result.
Raw Picture from Tumblr
Used Pen Tool (P) to outline the mountains. Took about 9 layers of mountains to add depth. Each mountain vector should be closed so that when you are about to add color, no conflict in terms of filling in wouldn't be encountered.
Color Palette Study
I respectively now assigned the color palettes that I have chosen to each mountains. I chose to have a color palette that has value.  So,  that I could add depth and contrast from mountain to mountain. For example, the color #EC8370, it has  a lighter color  because (1)  it's on the top and  it's  the highest  mountain  visible (2)  mountains  that are  above are most likely to be directed by the sunlight or covered by the clouds and (3) to give contrast to the nearest mountains next to it.
Now to give texture to add more character and quality, I have applied the effect of Glass. To find the effect of Glass, look over the Effect > Photoshop Effects > Distort > Glass.
Now, for the text, I used Nexa Rust Sans Black. Nexa Rust Sans Black also has this rippled texture on its edges. I used this font because, it also complements with the texture of the mountain.
Final retouch with the Glass effect here is the final result:
Thank you!
The Mountains

The Mountains

A simple vector of Mountains. Applying the principles and elements of design to achieve a presentable design
