Geometrical Logo shown above in color and below in black and white
Concept logo created for a tech company. Using the 'S' and 'C' from Storm Cloud, I found a way to make those letters work to represent dark clouds, the lightning bolt symbolizes speed and electricity, directly coinciding with what this company would provide
This set is a concept for a surf or scuba gear shop, the word 'Shark' represents toughness and top of the line like the equipment they would supply. The Black and White version was done to represent shark skin, instead of the oceanic image which doesn't translate well.
This concept logo represents clean and sustainable energy, using green to emphasize Earth while combing a nuclear plant symbol with a flower to show how they're integrated.
2016 Logo 'Folio

2016 Logo 'Folio

Logos I've created in 2016 thus far
