Lucas Jubb's profile

Back to The Future Generations

CSS site of the day award winner. View the site here
To celebrate Back to the Future day, car buying experts Zuto asked me to illustrate various cars for a website exploring, what car would replace the Delorean for each generation. Zuto created a public poll and used the feedback to create 88 miles per hour.

The animated site takes you through possible Delorean replacements, from Dodge Vipers to Chevrolet FNRs, and looks at how long it takes them to reach the crucial temporal velocity of 88mph.
By creating the site with scalable vector graphics, Zuto could animate individual elements like wheels, the car body and roads. The cars had to be very detailed for all car fanatics and encroporate the classic time machine onto each.

This work was created whilst at Epiphany Search and developed by the development team there. Web design by Collin Grist and illustrations by myself.
The work was featured on creativebloq and also won CSS site of the day

Back to The Future Generations

Back to The Future Generations

To celebrate Back to the Future day, car buying experts Zuto asked me to illustrate various cars for a website exploring, what car would replace Read More
