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書法二十四節氣 The 24 Solar Terms

書法的廿四節氣 | 24 solar terms in Calligraphy


24 solar terms is a kind of ancient Chinese calendar to guide farming activities. it is an important indicator of seasonal changes every year. Today, although its practicality changes, its human and traditional values are still worth for our attention and reservation. The use of calligraphy in the "dry", "wet", "thick", "light" with different strokes styles to show changes and emotions in the solar terms. And making a note card to encourage people to have more interaction through the solar terms calendar.
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書法二十四節氣 The 24 Solar Terms

書法二十四節氣 The 24 Solar Terms

廿四節氣是是中國古代訂立的一種用來指導農事的補充曆法,是每年季節變更的重要標誌。時至今天雖然其實用性改變,但其人文和傳統價值依然值得重視和保留。運用書法中的「乾」、「濕」、「濃」、「淡」配合不同書體去表現節氣的變化和情感。並製成一張張記事卡,鼓勵人們透過節氣有更多互動。 24 solar Read More
