In the darkness of the night, a man contemplates the glory of an age gone by surrounded by beautiful buildings that has withstood the test of time.
A boat ride on the Danube from Bratislava to Vienna gives us a glimpse of the Devin Castle that marks the boundary of Slovakia and Austria.
Overlooking the city of Bratislava is the restored old castle as seen from the Danube.
The old town of Bratislava taken from St. Michael's Tower
The Old Bratislava Cathedral taken from one of the side street around it.
The Presidential Palace taken from the park in front of it.
The Steeple of the Old Bratislava Cathedral as seen from the Danube
Another view of the Devin Castle
On our way from Switzerland to Germany via Austria
One of the ancient castles on the hillsides of the Rhine River in Germany
Bridge in Bratislava with its UFO deck


Various places in Europe that I have visited
