Laurento Jovito Fua's profile

Character Design: Bactrian Centaur

My entry for this month's #CDChallenge: Centaurs.

The Bactrian Centaur (1/4 Bactrian Camel and 3/4 human).

The Bactrian Centaurs are a tribe of Centaurs living in the highlands of Bactur, far away from the other centaurs who live mostly in the lowland forests. But they won't hesitate to go down from the mountains when called upon by the wise centaur king Chiron in time of need. Having 3 bodies, bactrian centaurs are known as great trackers and warriors.
I always try to do something unique. My first centaur rendition was supposed to have a Giraffe body with a female African warrior as the human part. But upon seeing the other entries, I realized I wasn't the only one who had that idea. I ended up having to scratch that idea and think of a new one.
I decided to go for a camel body. Since there were other entries that have part camel for a body, none of them went for a two humped camel or the Bactrian camel. Adding 2 more human bodies to go with the 2 humps making it 1/4 camel and 3/4 human. And since Bactrian camels are native to Central Asia, it's only fitting to have the human part/s of the centaur to have that Mongolian reference, preferably that of the Mongolian Eagle Hunters. References used for this project includes Bactrian Camels and Mongolian Eagle Hunters.
Process via Procreate app
Character Design: Bactrian Centaur

Character Design: Bactrian Centaur

My entry to this month's Character Design Challenge: Centaurs
