The Tag Box Experiment
Honours Research
As part of my research into Social Media use for my Honours year, I looked at what has been lost in the conversion from our real lives into an online realm. One of the things that has been taken away is anonymity and the ability to retain privacy. Facebook's 'Tag Box' is a function which embodies this imposition. People can be photographed, tagged and (if they're privacy settings have not been tightened) end up online in a light they may not wish to be seen in.

One large section of my research into Social Media for my Honours was to look at 'performative culture' surrounding Facebook. Most users who engage in social media are 'performing' to a perceived audience, which may/may not actually be paying attention to them.

For research purposes I made a real life tag box, and as an experiment, passed it about a house party to see / hear the reactions of guests.
The Tag Box

The Tag Box

As part of my research into Social Media use for my Honours year, I looked at what has been lost in the conversion from our real lives into an on Read More
