Breathing Brick is a sound-amplifying construction unit which inverts the  closed-off nature of the traditional wall.  

Executing a complete inversion on a wall's purpose, BBrick transforms a space or a person's access to it through sound-amplifying interaction.

We asked ourselves…what if walls could listen or talk?
From containment to diffusion, Breathing Brick simply intakes sound from one side & emits/amplifies it on the other. 

By striping away the brick wall’s dominant capacity and inverting it, what could happen? Tap into conversations from the outside. Monitor external activity. Sense the “outside”  from within. Provide ambience where there is none. Connect closed spaces with the outside world. Speak into walls. Enlarge city sounds. Spy. Hit Rec.

- - -  Below: sound-receiving side of brick - - -
- - -  Below: sound-emitting side of brick - - -
Which leaves us with a open challenge. If we can capture sound bouncing of walls, can we convert it to energy? What if the é-supply for a kids´s classroom came from it’s own users` sound emissions? 

Let the screaming begin.

a. Your breathing brick V.1 is battery-powered and requieres no electric wiring. 
b. Battery life lasts up to 40 days on activation mode or 10 days on full mode. 
c. Set your standard size brick in any wall formation, build, construct, stick &'s still a brick!
d. Remember to place the Input side (small single hole) facing the source you wish to amplify and the Output side from where you want to listen in. 
e. Once placed, turn on the amplification and stand maximum 5 inches from its surface. Your brick amplifies up to 15 yards distance. 

Breathing Brick

Breathing Brick

Breathing Brick: a sound-amplifying construction unit
