Sylvia Meise's profilePat Meise's profile

Poetry & Photography #1

unter Stellwänden
geschredderten Glücks
brockts bunt, flockt,
hartzt zu die Ausgekommenen, Ausgesiebten
leeren Blicks,
die dahocken, farblos gezaust, aschpink, plastik
süchtig nach Billigglitzer, Overdrive
gierend und ohne Grund
immer nur flüsternd: mehr.
Dabei fehlt’s Passwort.
Mehr? nur für die Drinnenen,
gehertzt vom Druck.
Nicht auffallen, auffragen
nur Einkommen
zeitlos verbraust, züchtig bis ins Workout
und zikadesk: mehr, mehr!
gekappt alles
Bilder, Süchte, Blüten
Colours ran dry
Zukunft? ein Reisbrei.
Politisch korrekt.
Passwort? Einszweidrei
rising from partitions of
shredded happiness
coloured chunks, clunks,
coating with sticky pity the runaways,
the excluded
with their empty gaze
those who colorlessly crouch
tousled and pale
addicted to cheap plastic, glitter, overdrive
greedy and groundless
always wanting and whispering: more.
However, the password’s missing.
More? Only for insiders.
Squashed by pressure.
No trespassing! Don’t ask!
What counts is your account.
Spent timelessly, prudish even when working out.
And cicadesque: more, more!
All for nothing
pictures, pleasures, blossoms...
Future? A psychedelic pap
politically correct.
Password? One-two-three.
So easy to hack.
Translated from German
by Irene Campbell and Sylvia Meise
Poetry & Photography #1

Poetry & Photography #1

Poetry&Photography - is an ongoing project of meise&meise. Recently three of my Poems had to be translated for the World Poetry Festival in Röder Read More
