When my curiosity about graphic design began I did a lot of research on well known designers who left a great impact in the world. This poster project focuses on one of my graphic design idols, Armin Hofmann. Accompanied by other inspiring designers, Armin Hofmann is being showcased through events of his life. The various points on the timeline are colored coded and significant to work done by each artist.
The poster below started as my inspiration piece. Armin Hofmann was a Swiss designer who incorporated type in most of his work. Leaving the right amount of blank space creates breathing for the information, a unique flow through the poster, as well as creates shapes that add to the design. I did a great amount of research on Hofmann and found is work to be idealistic and a great design  aesthetic.
During this stage of my process, I initiated my design with the type. Big and bold type helped me to create visual hierarchy within the header, subheaders, and body type. Hofmann was known to highlight type throughout his design work. Replicating his ideas and interpreting them into my own work has enabled to understand him as a designer while pushed me to excel my media design skills.
The final outcome is presented below. I chose to incorporate imagery to give a visual element to the design work mentioned in the information. The colors give a great pop to the black background, yet do not distract from the overall design, information, or photos.
Armin Hofmann

Armin Hofmann

Armin Hofmann and other inspiring designers timeline.


Creative Fields