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Photography | Photo-Essay | Craft & Trade

Story Theme | 'Craft & Trade'

Photo-Essays are stories told predominantly through the use of photographs. As part of the Photography module, Digital Media trainees brainstorm, research and persue stories worth telling; stories that provide others with unique insights into spaces that exists around them. They then set out with their cameras to engage and explore and to capture collections of images that reflect these spaces and the stories that happen within them. 
Our Daily Bread. An ancient form of sustenance where handmade always tastes best. Living in a small farm house just off the Ring of Kerry Paul and Elena quietly go about their day - bread making with patience and dedication. They deliver to local shops and markets. Truly, they make wonderful bread. But in all this activity, they seem to have created a beautiful work-life balance.
Gary Marsham is a master craftsman who makes bespoke furniture. His home and Goose Island Workshop are tucked away on a hillside near Castlegregory Co. Kerry. Gary grows the wood nearby. When it has matured enough he harvests it sustainably and allows it to season naturally in preparation for use. Using traditional tools and methods he then turns, carves and sculpts it into life. The pieces that Gary creates are unique in every way and will undoubtadly become airlooms with time. 
Thomas Ashe has been carrying on the in the family business for many years. The company was formed in 1916 by a great uncle of Thomas and one of their specialties is Annascaul black pudding. This is a traditional pudding still made from an old family recipe. The puddings have won many prestigious industry and food awards. One could almost say that “Its in the blood”.
Standing in Church Street, Tralee, you'll notice a distinctive corner building with the family business name Dorrington. Black letters on White. This is the workshop of Lionel Dorrington Jnr. Stepping inside, you move back in time, but not in the archaic sense. It's a working museum. Back to the Future. Surrounded by circuit boards, silicon and solder, Lionel practices the rare craft of bringing old electronics crackling back to life. 
The Power of Touch. Pottery is both the art and the place where earthenware, stoneware and porcelain ceramics are created and made. The Potter is the person who's hands roll, cut, trim, mould, shape, bake and glaze what we use to eat, drink, store and make. These artefacts survive long after both Potter and Pottery are gone. They tell us so much about the time. This time. 
The art of violin making has barely changed since the Renaissance. Select the wood, cut the back and belly, carve the scroll and fingerboard, place the sound peg. The violin is the instrument that most closely resembles the human voice. It takes time. So much time. It takes a sublime level of craft. But what you make can change lives and can last many, many lifetimes.

From the cold, wet clay to the dry, hot oven, the Potter can take no short cuts. Each stage is important. The work has to be perfect before you move on to next. No room for imperfections.Not too brittle. Not too light. Curves. Bumps. Handles. It must look and feel right.
Photography | Photo-Essay | Craft & Trade

Photography | Photo-Essay | Craft & Trade

Photo-Essays are stories told mainly through the use of photographs. When training, our media students pursue stories worth telling; stories that Read More
