Dean Hulton's profile

Fight My Monster

The GDD for V2.0 of Fight My Monster I created can be viewed here.
One of my main focuses was on improving the safety and security of the game for children while retaining and expanding the social aspects of the game. This quickly developed into v2.0 of the game and was subsequently launched in the USA and other regions of the globe with great success.
to improve user safety I designed systems such as improved video vetting system and more accessible parent control systems with more social restriction options.
 Previous video moderation system
GDD Extract: The current system of video moderation which allows players to share without any pre sharing vetting process is flawed for reasons described previously in this section of the Game Design Document.
 Redesigned video vetting system
GDD Extract: The v1.29 video moderation system should be replaced by a system described previously in this section of the document which allows each individual video to be vetted before it is shared, as depicted in the above image.
As well as my main role as designer i was happy to take on other roles in other areas which included: 
Although My contract was initially short term the team at Fight My Monster saw value in extending my contract indefinitely. Unfortunately I was not able to follow the team when they moved to the USA in May 2012
Fight My Monster

Fight My Monster

This is an overview of the types of activities i was involved in as Games Designer as Fight My Monster Ltd
