Sharmistha Banerjee's profile

Affordable and Sustainable Rural Housing

Affordable and Sustainable Housing

Company: Shenoy Innovation Studio, Industrial Design Center, IIT Bombay; Client: ACC Pvt. Ltd., January 2011 - July 2013
About the Project: It is an initiaive to bring in aspects of mass production and efficiencies of industrial processes in housing. The design is rooted in how people would love to live. A hub & spoke model combining mass production & local materials has been designed.
For the People: A home that is culturally suitable, socially acceptable, supports their livelihoods & traditional living pattern, pre-fitted with sanitation facility, fits in budget, comfortable in all weather, low maintenance & can grow in future with the family’s needs & capacity.
For the Government: A clustered development of socially relevant housing solution which provides ample open space, in-built smokeless chullah, toilets, water harvesting possibility and can be solar powered.
Design Process: Pan India  ethnographic research; Extensive technological and construction industry research; Collaboration with civil engineers, energy engineers, humanities professionals, finance professionals, architects, industrial designers, etc.
Salient Features:
- Mass production combined with local material sourcing decreases cost & improves time efficiency.  
- Use of local materials leads to use of local skills.  
- A clustered development to house communities or families together.  
- The community has a shared common space and facilities.  
- Communities can be gated to form a secure space outside their homes in the shared space which can be used for keeping cattle, farm equipment, vehicles, etc.
- Fluid spaces gives the beneficiary the opportunity to select his/ her house layout.  
- Choice of layout gives the beneficiary  greater  satisfaction.  
- Climatically suitable
- Incremental growth possible with permission from neighbours
- Lean roof and vertical height aids vertical internal additions.
Affordable and Sustainable Rural Housing

Affordable and Sustainable Rural Housing

It is an initiative to bring in aspects of mass production and efficiencies of industrial processes in housing. The design is rooted in how peopl Read More
