Healthcare Application
Mobile application to showcase the work done by a Healthcare NGO in providing better health facilities to the people. The application allows users to donate online and to track the work done by the organisation. 
Screen 1 - Login
Healthcare Application - Screen 2
Healthcare Application - Screen 3
Healthcare Application - Screen 4
eCommerce Application
Mobile application for a rewards program where users can avail/redeem discount coupons/coins from a network of merchants.
Screen 1 : Landing Page
eCommerce Application - Screen 2
eCommerce Application - Screen 3
An app to help passengers to navigate through the airport and get to their plane on time.

Airport App: Screen 1
Airport App: Screen 2
Airport App: Screen 3
Airport App: Screen 4
This indoor navigation app is meant to guide users through a shopping mall helping them find what they are looking for: be it a shop, a sale or a place to grab a bite.

Navigation App: Screen 1
Navigation App: Screen 2
Navigation App: Screen 3
Navigation App: Screen 4
HR Management System: Screen 1
Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

Iphone and android apps
