Web Design
Postmodernism can be seen as a reaction against Modernism, specifically Bauhaus and Swiss Modernism, with all that that implies. Postmodernism is associated with the recycling of earlier visual styles and also with the appropriation by designers of imagery from elsewhere in the creation of their own work.  
In celebration of Postmodernism, create a website that communicates clearly some of the key contributors of this style who broke all of the rules. 
To celebrate the various Postmodernist styles I decided to focus on a few key designers who experimented with typography, creating type as a form of entertainment, not necessarily for legibility. 

Robert Venturi, Wolfgang Weingart, Milton Glaser, DROOG, Paula Scher, David Carson and Why Not Associates were Postmodern design champions, used to inspire the project.
Taking the theme ‘Type as Entertainment’ I appropriated familiar graphics and colour associated with Las Vegas to form the website graphics. 
Las Vegas comes to life at night with it’s illuminated buildings and electric signage. I carried this idea through on all elements of the webpage such as the dark background lit by the bright navigation buttons, white content text and expressed the designers typographically in loud neon colours.  
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Web Design

Web Design

Postmodernism can be seen as a reaction against Modernism, specifically Bauhaus and Swiss Modernism, with all that that implies. Postmodernism Read More
