Hyper Luminal Games's profile

The Huburbs - Housing Simulation Game

A housing simulation game used for education and training within the housing sector.
Final In-Game Screenshot
The Huburbs' game visuals are designed to be cartoony and chunky to create a fun, lighthearted and engaging player experience.
Visual Style Development
Early 3D concept - The visuals of this concept are quite serious and clean looking. Our client asked us to look into a more cartoony direction.
A work in progress of our transition to a more cartoony visual style with some UI elements overlayed. At this stage it is a very rough block in of the general  game scene layout.
We now started to add in details to the environment, as well as add some 3D UI with rotating and scaling animations, vehicles for extra movement and more to make the scene more interactive, responsive and engaging.
The scene was then further refined and atmospheric lighting was added.
Various modern office building designs for the Huburbs neighbourhood.
UI Concepts
Various early UI panel concepts.
More refined UI elements.
Early balance report concept.
Final balance report concept with different tabs and graphs.
In-Game Main Menu
The Huburbs - Housing Simulation Game

The Huburbs - Housing Simulation Game

Check out the visual style development process of the Huburbs project and see what choices we made along the way. The Huburbs is a housing simul Read More
