Location: Cumbayá, Quito. Ecuador
Project Area: 672m2
The accelerated urban growth taking place around the USFQ campus, makes evident the obstruction of circulation and mobility that affects directly to the students and residents of the area. The poor urban planning in the sector has created obstacles for both vehicles and pedestrians, noise, pollution, among others.
The need to create real opportunities for recreation, including vegetation is one of the objectives to be treated by this exercise. The topography of the area, and specifically, the USFQ site, provides such a flexibility to carry out an architecture that recognizes the potential of land, the existing circulation and movement flows, among other aspects related to the connection between the different systems and existing buildings at the university, the land, sky and of course, its users.
Accordingly, the architectural object emerges from the ground reinforcing the idea of appropriation of the ground, one of the basics of “Groundscape”. Thus, the building itself becomes a topographical layer where, depending on the program developed in the interior, its exterior envelope will be modified. In addition to this condition, and as a feature of the parti pris, it is set as a design parameter, that each of the layers of this envelope can always be the result of the modification of the vertices of a square
campus sections
it is vital to notice the topographic variations and the  accumulation of buildings that support the idea of a Groundscape Architecture
current intensity of the use of space at the campus
parti pris and parametric modificacion according to the topography
site plan
ground floor
first floor
B section
C section
south elevation
north elevation
axonometric view - café and gym
A detail
B detail
Student Center

Student Center

Study Project_fourth year
