Budapest Graphic Guide


Illustrations from the book titled Graphic Europe (published by Cicada Books London)

Graphic Europe is a guidebook to 31 cities in 31 different European countries, written and illustrated by graphic designers living in those cites. Offering a fresh twist on the conventional guidebook format, it lists places to stay, restaurants, bars, cultural hotspots and architectural highlights, but emphasizes the hip, alternative examples that only an insider would know.

David Barath's inspirations were Lajos Kassák and László Moholy-Nagy: „For me, Hungarian graphic design starts with their works, by being the first ones creating advertisements based primarily on graphic elements, raising graphic design and typography to an artistic level. Following their footsteps, I have simplified Budapest into basic graphic and typographic elements.“

These works were presented like a posters in occasion of Design Hét Budapest / Budapest Design Week 2009. Since then they were published by many prestigious magazines such as Plus81 Magazine from Tokyo.
Designed in 2009.
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Budapest Graphic Guide

Budapest Graphic Guide

Illustrations from the book titled Graphic Europe (published by Cicada Books London) Graphic Europe is a guidebook to 31 cities in 31 different Read More
