I decided to take on the 100 Days of UI Challenge. The point of this exercise was to improve on my UI skills and have a visual proof of improvement.

Each day, for 100 days, I will update this project with new work.
Day 1: Sign up
Day 2: Restaurant app wireframes
Day 3: Starwars 404
Day 4: Concert Times
Day 5: Profile Settings
Day 6: Music player
Day 7: Contact Card
Day 8: Movie Collection
Day 9: Soundcloud Artist Card (concept)
Day 10: On/Off Switch Icons
Day 11: Cart Widget
Day 12: Pantone Shop 
Day 13: Messenger
Day 14: Log In
Day 15: Movie Cover Flow
Day 16: Sample Sale (Black Milk Clothing)
Day 17: Calculator
Day 18: Tumblr Invites
Day 19: Language Selector
Day 20: Movie Theatre
Day 21: Upload
Day 22: Adoption Cards
Day 23: Recipe Card
Day 24: Nike Product Widget
Day 25: Calorie Counter / Pedometer
Day 26: Team Page
Day 27: Contact
Day 28: Smart TV
Day 29: Subscriptions
Day 30: Search Page
Day 31: 100 Days
Day 32: Budget
Day 33: Book Sale
Day 34: Boarding Pass
Day 35: Compose Email
Day 36: Quote Card
Day 37: Credit Card
Day 38: The Body Shop Store Widgets
Day 39: Music App Redo
Day 40: Movie Player
Day 41: News App
Day 42: Alarm Widget
Day 43: Photos
Day 44: Cover Page
Day 45: Success / Fail Cards
Day 46: Timer
Day 47: Share Icons
Day 48: Keypad / Contacts
Day 49: Movie Ticket
Day 50: Halfway Milestone
Day 51: Drag and Drop 
Day 52: Stopwatch
Day 53: Sign Up
Day 54: TV Show Card
Day 55: Email (Swipe to)
Day 56: Travel Site Concept
Day 57: Blog Post
Day 58: Pokedex
Day 59: 404 #2
Day 60: To / From Locations
Day 61: Are You Sure?
Day 62: Day and Night Temps 
Day 63: Subscribe! 
Day 64: Product Card with Colour Choices
Day 65: Shark Adopt Card
Day 66: Package Tracker
Day 67: Special Offers
Day 68: Receipt
Day 69: Apple Watch Mock-ups
Day 70 : Enjoying?
Day 71: Calendar
Day 72: Audio Book
Day 73: App Icon 
Day 74: Thu-Thump App Concept
Day 75: Thermostat
Day 76: Leaderboard!
Day 77: Apple watch steps UI
Day 78: Currency Converter
Day 79: Food Order
Day 80: Profile
Day 81: Gohan concept app - Landing screens
Day 82: Gohan concept app - Dashboard
Day 83: Gohan concept app - Restaurant profile
Day 83: Gohan concept app - Add food to cart
Day 84: Gohan concept app - Checkout and payment
Day 85: Gohan concept app - Tracking orders
Day 86: Shopping cart
87: Product Details
Day 88: File Uploader
Day 89: Profile iPhoneX
Day 90: Weather
Day 91: Music Player
Day 92: iOS Native - Shopping App
Day 93: Reminder 
Day 94: Sent Confirmation Email
Day 95: Plant App
Day 96: Celebrity Card
Day 97: Chat / Messages
Day 98: Artist Card
Day 100: Achievement Unlocked
100 Days of UI