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Chamber Advocacy Brochures

Capital Region Business Advocacy Resource Guide
At the beginning of each legislative year the Chamber releases an "Advocacy Resource Guide," which details the advocacy efforts that the Chamber will be pursuing in the coming year. It also gives a list of local legislators, some helpful "how-to's" on communicating with government officials and a calendar of the year's legislative session days. A useful tool for navigating local and state government and discovering what issues are important to area businesses.
The 2015 Business Advocacy Resource Guide, made just prior to the change over to the Capital Region Chamber.
The 2016 Resource Guide for the newly formed Capital Region Chamber.
2015 Legislative Session Wrap-Up
The Chamber of Commerce also releases a Year End Wrap-Up on their advocacy efforts to sum up the result of their lobbying efforts.
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Chamber Advocacy Brochures

Chamber Advocacy Brochures

The Chamber of Commerce is an active advocate for issues that effect local businesses in its membership and each year it releases a brochure on w Read More
