Chris Throgmorton's profile

Equal Opportunity Counseling

Law enforcement veteran Chris Throgmorton is an experienced human resources professional in California. Chris Throgmorton was designated as the equal employment opportunity counselor during his time with the California Highway Patrol.

Question: What is equal opportunity counseling?
Answer: Counseling is the first step in resolving a grievance related to workplace discrimination. An equal employment opportunity (EEO) counselor meets with any current or former employee who feels he or she has experienced discrimination in the workplace.

Question: Who is the EEO counselor?
Answer: The counselor is a member of a government body who has been designated to fill that role within the department. Someone with a strong human resources background usually assumes this role.

Question: What does the EEO counselor do?
Answer: Counselors are neutral parties. They listen to complaints and conduct a cursory investigation of the claims. The counselors do not decide the merits of a case or provide a judgment. EEO counselors meet with both parties involved in a dispute, helping to improve communication and resolve problems.
Equal Opportunity Counseling

Equal Opportunity Counseling

Law enforcement veteran Chris Throgmorton is an experienced human resources professional in California. Chris Throgmorton was designated as the e Read More
