Critique ads value
Critique is an essential step within the design process, used to elevate the design solution. Professional, objective and well researched feedback, should provide the design team with relative information that may have missed or is being misrepresented. It is a valuable tool for discerning whether or not the proper connections are being made in order to effectively reach the goal of the design solution. 
This is a recorded review of a Media Design Masters Degree students final presentation for their thesis, completed as part of my own Masters Degree program. Research was completed on the client's industry, target demographic, competing companies and existing branding campaigns, for the critique to be viable. The ability to provide and receive critique, properly process the information, and use it to transform the design into an elevated solution for the client is an essential skill set in any design field.
Critical Review

Critical Review

A review of Aileen Pasion's Master's Thesis.
