Brockmann Book

Let's start with saying that Josef Müller-Brockmann is considered as one of the key players in the Swiss School of International Style.
Grid +  readable typograpgy + "keep it simple" method

Müller-Brockmann is recognized for his simple designs and his clean use of typography, notably Akzidenz-Grotesk, shapes and colors, which inspires many graphic designers in the 21st century. As with the French posters in the 1890s, Müller-Brockmann and his peers also attempted to attract customers and sell products with bold, simplicity. The posters that served to attract an audience to events, especially music events and museum exhibitions embraced the abstract geometrical shapes the style is noted for; but it is the public service announcement posters from this time period that have been more noted than in many other periods of design. The simple, clean and graphic messages were, as with the music event posters, able to be understood by viewers with different languages.

37 pages + 5 extra transperent sheets
(those are required for practicing in the main idea of Muller-Brockann - grids)
20х15,5 cm
Printed in April 2016
Brockmann Book

Brockmann Book

Book for designers about Josef Muller-Brockmann, who used a grid with a readable typography as a rule.
