I work in a bar to make my money. It's a small town public house. I work behind the bar, and I'm in charge of promotions and events. We organised a rock night, and, as it happens, the rock night falls on St. Patrick's night. Perfect for some themed shots. Which meant time for a poster or two.

 I had only just downloaded Illustrator, but decided to give it a go. I needed to advertise that something was happening, and also needed to provide a sort of menu. So that's what I did!
Because I had never used Illustrator before, and have had tuition this took a lot of guesswork and learning through work.
 I initially wanted the posters to be more simple, but after posters like that being tried in the pub, no one took any notice! Fortunately these posters have definitely been noticed!
Paddy's Day

Paddy's Day

Posters for promotion of an event.
