Ellie Koszak's profile

Sleepy Hollow House

This project was done in two halves. Firstly I created a two point perspective drawing using the plans of a house from the film 'Sleepy Hollow' with Johnny Depp.
I traced out the plan on to tracing paper and followed the lines of my view point to project the building downwards to become 3D.
Once I had the shape of the building I then added the detail of the bricks and roof tiles to complete the two point perspective drawing.
Then for the second part of the project I photocopied my building onto several colours of midtone paper to practice my style of rendering.  
After I had experimented with a few style I found that the grey colour worked best with the atmosphere I was trying to create.
I started rendering by deciding where my light sources would be. This identified the darkest and lightest parts of the drawing and brought the whole thing to life.Having a white light from the moon and a orange glow from a bonfire gave the scene a setting and purpose. Also to help make the scene become a believable element of the film I added objects such as a barrel, wheelbarrow and smoke coming from the chimney.
Finally I added some people to create a strong sense of realism.
Final Piece:
Sleepy Hollow House

Sleepy Hollow House

Creating a two point perspective and a piece of concept art of one of the buildings from the film 'Sleepy Hollow'.
