These images are photographs I took for various projects using my knowledge of either a Nikon D 90 or D 5100 in manual mode by adjusting the shutter speed, aperture, and other settings.
This image was taken using a Nikon D 90 with a standard lens with a studio light and no flash.
This is an image of a light fixture photographed using a Nikon D 90 with a standard lens in a low light room without flash and with a fast shutter speed.
This image was taken using a Nikon D 90 with a standard lens while using a studio light and no flash. The purpose of the image was to show the relationship between the subject (the lotion container) and something else of similar color (the pencil).
This image was of a pinecone was shot using a Nikon D 90 with a macro lens and no flash. 
This image was taken using a Nikon D 5100 with a standard lens and no flash, then edited in Camera Raw to give it the sepia effect.
This series of images was taken using a Nikon D 5100 and basic zoom lens, no flash and a fairly quick shutter speed. They were then enhanced in Camera Raw and pieced together in Photoshop.


These are photos taken for various projects and demonstrate my knowledge of Nikon D 5100 and Nikon D 90 cameras.
