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Meds & Food For Kids - Non-Profit - Logo - Web Design

Meds & Food For Kids - Web Design and Development
When presented the opportunity to work with MFK, Matchbox Design Group jumped at the chance. The stories and photographs they brought back with them from Haiti inspired us to create a site that would help inform others of the needs of those in Haiti and get support for the wonderful program that MFK has developed to meet those needs.
“MFK holds one of the lowest overhead operating budgets for a non-profit, which is why we were so drawn to working for them. Their good deeds are seen not only in how they operate their organization, but by the results they have delivered to Haiti.”
-Brent Feldman, Founder and Director of Design
For the design of the site, Matchbox originally worked with earthy tones, textures and colors reminiscent of Haiti. But these were quickly changed to brighter, friendlier colors–such as the green and blue used in MFK’s logo because they invoked a more hopeful feel that gave the new site life. We developed style guides using these colors and textures, to present the direction of the site to our client.
MFK Style Guides
For the donation page of the new site, we wanted to show donors what their gift could do for people in Haiti and the organization. We paired Meds & Foods stunning photography with descriptions and different price points to accomplish this.
Meds & Food for Kids has a clear cut plan on how they provide assistance to Haiti. Not only do they give children the nutrition they need to survive, but they also work to create a sustainable economy in Haiti by providing farmers with education, Haitians with jobs, and developing a factory that can sell extra Medica Mamba (the nutritional peanut butter given to children to improve their health) for profit. This interactive graphic was designed for the home page, to show visitors that MFK is more than a hand-out organization.
To address Meds & Food For Kids extensive history, Matchbox designed a timeline, backed by the organization's photos, to show their tremendous progress and accomplishments. 
Visit the Meds & Food For Kids site to see more and learn more about their cause.
Meds & Food For Kids - Non-Profit - Logo - Web Design

Project Made For

Meds & Food For Kids - Non-Profit - Logo - Web Design

For the design of the site, Matchbox originally worked with earthy tones, textures and colors reminiscent of Haiti. But these were quickly change Read More
