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Keeping Lights Burning Bright

Here's a video I illustrated that tells how GE collaborates with the Korean Southern Power Company (KOSPO) to keep South Korea thriving with cleaner, sustainable and more efficient power generation by enhancing the value of their existing power sites.
This project was different from the other whiteboard videos here and here since I was spared the hot studio lights (but missed some good company) and created both the visuals and color sequences from the home studio based on a script from The Moutain View Group, whose incredibly talented team put it all together to create yet another knock-out video.
While the art was done digitally, I tried to keep the colors bold and simple similar to the dry erase markers I use on a Whiteboard.
Keeping Lights Burning Bright


Keeping Lights Burning Bright

Here's my illustration and design work for a "Whiteboard Sketch Video" style video describing how GE helped the Korean Southern Power Company ( K Read More
