Warren Vogel's profile

Insurgent Brand Partnership

To target one of our key growth demographics (gamer girls) with our PC gamer product we entered into a co-promotion with Lionsgate. With strong messaging resonance and perfectly aligned demographic interests, we ran an inbound, microsite-centered content campaign. 
For this go around, aside from the blog posts and other digital content we created, we decided to try a social media scavenger hunt. It only had a few steps, to encourage completion, but we got good engagement from the project. 
I co-wrote all the copy for this campaign with another marcom team member. The below are campaign highlights, featuring display ads (which were strangely very successful in this campaign), the steps of the puzzle, and the final microsite features, including the mobile-friendly game. 
Display ads for the campaign (which we targeted WIDELY once we saw how much traction it was getting). 
Initial point of contact for someone entering the scavenger hunt was likely from promoted posts and display on Facebook. The above features some posts and imagery we used. 
This was the second stage of the scavenger hunt, requiring the user to build a URL from riddles, which led to the microsite, which featured a game, teaser videos, free trial offers, and form entry to the co-promotion's giveaways. 
Our .com/gamer page also go a makeover. 
Insurgent Brand Partnership

Insurgent Brand Partnership

Co-wrote with team member.
