
NIDINGR (founded in 1992) hail from Horten/Norway, playing a harsh mixture of black and death metal. While the over-all impression of NIDINGRs music is pretty rough and straight-forward, they also manage to incorporate various details, ranging from eerie synths to dissonant leads and occasional piano lines. Most of the lyrics revolve around occult/gnostic topics and are delivered in growl fashion (cf. recent VADER). After recording two demos (1996 and 1999), NIDINGR debuted with their full-length CD "Of Sorrow Infinite And Darkness" in 2005. In 2006 they released "Sodomize The Priest" (LP), consisting of re-recorded rehearsals and some new songs. Now after having a well deserved break they are back with a cd entitled "Wolf-Father"(June 2010) with Hellhammer (Mayhem) drumming , "Wolf Father" is a concept album, based on Norse mythology. The band played a handful gigs in 2011 to promote their last EP, and are now working on their next long time awaiting full length. In February they headlined Hammerslag Vinterblot in Tønsberg, with their newly recruited drummer Øyvind Myrvoll.

Vocals - Estrella Grasa (Kort Prosess)
Bass - Void ( Dødheimsgard)
Drums - Myrvoll
Guitars - Blargh ( Dødheimsgard)
Guitars - Teloch (Mayhem,Umoral,NunFuckRitu
"Wolfather" 2010, Jester Records

Blargh . Bass/guitars
Estrella Grasa - Vocals
Teloch  - Bass/Guitars
Hellhammer - Drums
"Sodomize The Priest" 2006, Hearse Records. 12" LP, Ltd 500 x

Teloch - Guitars/Bass
Blargh - Guitars/Bass
Per Virvar - Drums
Walter.D.Moen - Vocals
"Sorrow Infinite and Darkness" 2005, Dark Essence Records

Teloch - Bass/Guitars
Blargh - Bass/Guitars
Estrella Grasa - Vocals