Digital Work
Vector Art & Digital Brushes
These series of works was done with the use of adobe programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator.  One of the many things that I loved using within these programs was the use of vector art as well as using different brushes and filters to achieve some of the effects within these works.  As you can see in some of these works, my inspiration is drawn from my love for Japanese animation with the use of the various bright colors and style.
I made this vector art based on a picture of a friend of mine that I had taken in class. Of course I decided to make him look more colorful than he actually was, but I felt it was very fitting color for him since he himself is a bright personality.
A flyer I made for Dia de los Muertos and since it was a Mexican holiday I felt it was fitting to use the Mexican flag colors as the backdrop for the text. I used some imagery to further drive the idea of how the day was celebrated with the addition of bones, smoke and flowers.
A school project in emulating Shepard Fairey. It was the first time I had actually heard of him and seen his artwork and I found them fascinating, since I was already creating vector art it was very eye opening observe the details that was his work.


Vector Art and Digital Brushes used in Adobe Programs
