Wings of Fury
Game Art for 'The Android Machine'
Wings of Fury is the most recently published game that features my graphics. The game has been developed by German developer 'The Android Machine' and is based on the old classic with the same title. I played the original when I was still a little boy and was really eager to take on the graphics for this one.

So far it seems to be doing really well on the android market and the developer let me know that he's working on an iOS port as well. If you have an android device, I recommend you give the game a try. Download the free version here: Android Market - Happy bombing! ;)
App Icon
 Missions Screen
In-Game Mothership
 In-Game Landing Crafts
In-Game Destroyer 
How to play Wings of Fury
Wings of Fury

Wings of Fury

Game graphics for the Wings of Fury mobile game.
