We were asked to come up with the name, logo design and visual identity of a 19th century living history house in Corfu.
After having conducted a history research on everyday living in 19th century Corfu, noble class, Corfian coat of arms and Venetian strong influence on Corfu language we came up with the name “Casa Parlante”. Casa Parlante stands for “talking house”; that is the house that talks and narrates the history of 19th Corfu nobility.
Our main aim when undertaking this museum branding project was to keep a balance between 21st and 19th century. Because at the end of the day, Casa Parlante was established in 2014. So, we decided to give a contemporary vibe to Casa Parlante’s coat of arms logo design. Purple colour was used because it is associated with wealth and nobility whereas the calligraphy handwritten font adds an old feel.
- The Museum -
Casa Parlante

Casa Parlante

We were asked to come up with the name, logo design and visual identity of a 19th century living history house in Corfu. After having conducted Read More


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