Amrita K Prasen's profile


Design for Change (DFC) is a global movement started in 2009 to give children a platform to express their ideas for a better world and put them into action. Every year they cultivate the ‘I Can’ mindset in every child. Stories of children who have brought about a change to their surroundings are illustrated and narrated in the
"I Can" Books, published to inspire other children to bring about a change in their surroundings.

I had the opportunity to illustrate three stories of children who brought about a change.
They are as follows: 

Anita, a student Ragaytung Primary School is haunted by the dangers of the school surroundings. She relates and shares her concerns of safety with her fellow classmates and teacher. Together they come up with a solution and execute it with the help of the townfolk. Hence making the school a safer place for students.
Three teenage girls from Copenhagen, Denmark; share their thoughts about the constant bullying LGBT children have to deal with. The three girls together teach kids through various creative activities, the importance to treat LGBT individuals as equal as anyone else.
The story revolves around a couple of kids in a school in Peru, who noticed that something was needed to be done about the cleanliness in their town. The kids bring out innovative ideas, which not only inspires their school, but the whole town to take part in their parade of cleaning their town.


This is the second story illustrated for the " I CAN, 2015" book published by the NGO-"Design for Change".
