Lipika Kumar's profile

Taskly Project Management Proposal

Taskly Project Management Proposal
Prepared for Taskly By Lipika Kumar LK Designs
LK Designs
About Us
LK Designs has successfully helped design and implement web sites for many clients worldwide. LK Designs Inc proposes to provide Taskly with full package of website design and maintenance services.
LK Designs is a privately held company, consisted of creative and multi-talented web designers and web developers. We provide a wide range of services including web design, web development, mobile application development, web hosting, and consulting. LK Designs offers customer-oriented services and delivers creative and effective results.
Design process
Project Goals
In this busy world of working professionals it is easy to struggle with organization and meeting deadlines. It is a challenge for team leaders to keep track of team members and for team members to work while simultaneously juggling requirements and dates. Taskly has the opportunity to alleviate the planning aspect of projects so their clients can focus on actual work by
creating a project management web application promote collaboration and progress of tasks
Scope of Project
For the initial phase of development (the online presence), LK Designs will work with the client to create website design concept and content for the following pages:
Landing Page
Page to advertise Taskly's project management while work is in progress Customers discover the new application and sign up for updates on when the app will be available.
Home page
Allow clients to sign into their account in order to mange projects
Project Dashboard Page
Project Details
File Upload and Sharing
This feature will allow users to
reminders for team members
Team members will be able to chat with their teammates
this will help resolve issues between teammates who cannot physically be together at the same location
LK Designs will maintain a content management solution to allow Taskly to easily update the website on daily basis. All necessary extensions for the content management system will be purchased and maintained by LK Designs.
Project Timeline
Arrange meeting time to discuss design process
Submit all necessary media required for designs (company logo, promotional pictures)
Day 1-2
Create list of required application features
Launch landing page and meet with client to discuss customer response from analytics
Wireframing of all features
Meeting with client to discuss progress
First 50% of total payment
Day 2-3
Day 4-7
Implement Designs
Day 8-10
Hardening and cosmetic design changes
Remaining 50%
Weekly updates on progress will be sent to our clients by email to ensure clarity of agreed upon goals.
Terms and Conditions
Client shall pay LK Designs initiation payment equal to 50% of the project total cost.
Project is to be completed within 10 weeks from initiation payment date.
Project is to be completed within 10 weeks from initiation payment date.
Any amounts not paid within the 3 business days of completion of project shall be charged a late payment fee.
_______________________ _____________ Lipika Kumar
LK Designs 
Taskly Project Management Proposal

Taskly Project Management Proposal

Taskly Project


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