Susan Hale Thomas's profile

A New School for John Obey- Sierra Leone

A New School for John Obey
John Obey, Sierra Leone
Beginning a school day in a brand new brick building isexciting for the sixty children of John Obey School, located in a small fishing village on the coast of Sierra Leone. Before, a 20x20 mud and stick shack served as the community’s school.
A young girl sings a morning welcome.
Teacher helps the youngest with their letters.
Counting along with the headmaster.

Stand and stretch before the math lesson.

The little ones, whose feet don’t touch the ground, balanceon a wooden bench during their lessons.
Copying the math lesson from the board. The school has yet to acquire desks for the children so hand made benches are used as a writing surface and rocks and jerrycans for seats.
The morning session is a bit too long for some.

A timeout for this little man.
Recess is a welcome diversion after a long morning of instruction.
A Frisbee provides some much needed exercise after a long morning of sitting.
A New School for John Obey- Sierra Leone

A New School for John Obey- Sierra Leone

The tiny fishing village of John Obey, Sierra Leone is a small community of three hundred without electricity or running water. Most of the struc Read More
