Blink helps tell the Adobe DPS story.
How does Adobe’s sales force convince Fortune 500 companies to invest in their newest app-building software?
You build a hella-sexy interactive app with the framework itself. You let the software speak for itself. You show them the art of the possible.
And when an Adobe executive tells you they’re going to fire their current agency and hire you on the spot, you should assume it’s not just hyperbole.
It wasn’t. And we only had 10 days to deliver a full-fledged interactive presentation app for the sales force.
The only way we were able to deliver the (brilliant) result in time was to utilize the Adobe DPS framework to build the app. A testament to the power of Adobe’s product … coupled with 89 energy drinks, of course.
And boy is this just the beginning.
Our next challenge includes the integration of Adobe’s AEM platform and a dynamic asset library framework that will give each salesperson the ability to build their own variations of the presentation on the fly–with an analytics backbone that will track the efficacy of every slide, page, article and graphic.
Now that is sales enablement.
Adobe DPS App

Project Made For

Adobe DPS App

Blink helps tell the Adobe DPS story. ADOBE SALES ENABLEMENT
