My second Adobe Illustrator project is a Kawaii Yeti.
This project was more challenging than the last, but I learnt many new skills.
- Working on this project helped me gain a much larger understanding of the anchor point sytem which involves dragging, adding, deleting and manipulating anchor points.
- This project really widened my understanding of the "Pathfinder" toolbar. I now to a very capable extent understand all of its functions and abilities.
- During this project I used and learnt alot about the "Offset Path" function which is very useful for borders around objects.
- The creation of the arms of of the Yeti required me to use the "Width Tool". At first I encountered a minor problem, but it was very easily overcome as I became more familier with the tool.
Although frequently used in the KAwaii Yeti project, I am still having slight troubles with the "Pen Tool", hopefully I can improve on this skill in my future project
Kawaii Yeti

Kawaii Yeti

My second Adobe Illustrator project is a Kawaii Yeti.
